We are so excited to continue our journey for Jesus to Southend Saskatchewan! We are working with LAMP ministries and this is the fourth year that Messiah has sent a team there as part of a five year commitment. Some of our team members have had the privilege of serving the Cree for each of the trips. The mission work continues to grow and evolve. What began as the teaching of Vacation Bible School to the children has expanded into the rest of the community. In addition to VBS we will be hosting a community gathering, two teen nights, and a women’s tea. The theme for VBS this year is God ALWAYS Keeps His Promises.
LAMP is the Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots which has provided Christian witness and nurture in communities in northern remote areas of Canada since 1970. Each year over 5,000 children, youth and adults are impacted by the ministry of LAMP in 60 communities across northern Canada.